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How Do You Know That You Are Bisexual

Beingness bisexual isn't ever piece of cake. There are nevertheless and so many misconceptions virtually bisexuality - fifty-fifty almost what it truly means and that's actually frustrating. And so if you're wondering, 'Am I bisexual?' or are identifying as bicurious, you need to firstly look past the preconceptions. Despite what you may have heard, bisexuality means being attracted to more than than one gender. Gender, similar sexuality, exists on a spectrum. It is not binary. If you are attracted to people regardless of their gender, and have the potential to be attracted to someone of any gender, yous could be pansexual. Other people might use queer. But the label you employ is up to you, there is no correct or wrong when identifying your sexuality.

Here, bisexuals explicate how they knew they were attracted to people of more than i gender. Merely before you begin, Marianne Oakes, atomic number 82 therapist at GenderGP gives expert advice for anyone thinking they may be bisexual or wanting to reverberate more than on their sexual identity.

"Am I bisexual?"

"The first thing to note is that sexual identity is not just about who y'all are attracted to, it is besides about how you identify; who you lot see yourself as and how you desire to be seen by others. Simply because y'all think you lot may be bisexual doesn't necessarily mean y'all want to act on it. Just because someone has sex with someone of the same sex, it doesn't necessarily hateful they are bi," explains Marianne.

It'southward really common and normal to reflect on and/or question your sexuality. "It's far more than common that we realise. Anybody begins curious, you may recall having a strong pull towards a friend of the aforementioned sexual practice as a child for example, simply every bit we grow and we go more aware of social norms and where we fit within these, our sexuality is moulded to fit the way we want to be perceived," she adds.

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual

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How to commencement exploring bisexuality

"It can be helpful to start by exploring what bisexuality means to you, in the abstract. In terms of what someone should do, it depends on many factors. Are they single or attached, do they believe in monogamy or are they in an open relationship. What practise they want to do about their sexuality and why is it even a question? Practice they have some internal bias they need to address?"

And never forget, y'all are the main character in all of this. "This is about your feelings, your sexuality, your relationship status. If you experience you need to human activity, then act, but exercise it on your terms in your own fourth dimension and inside the perimeters of what you are comfy with," Marianne says.

Bisexual stories

1."I didn't let myself apply the label until I'd actually slept with a girl, which happened when I was 22, only the signs were there early on on and I had been actively fantasising about it for years. I yet gravitate towards the label bi and don't like that people keep calling that label transphobic/sectional of not-binary gender identities, considering that'south not how the bi customs defines it. I'one thousand clashing about calling myself pansexual, since I really haven't encountered a gender identity I can't be attracted to. Just many pan people describe themselves as feeling like gender is irrelevant to their experience of attraction, and that's not true for me." [via]

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual

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2."It started as, 'I just like lesbian porn'. Then it progressed to, 'I'm super feminist considering women are stiff and beautiful and wonderful'. After that I moved to, 'Wow some women are just breathtakingly cute and funny and sweetness'. It was only after my own self image improved that I was able to move from, 'I want to be like her' to, 'I merely want her'. I guess it took from almost age 14 to nineteen, only my own insecurities withal concord me back a lot." [via]

iii."I'yard a queer cisgender female person, and I started exploring my sexuality when I was 31. I'g 35 now. I honestly had no thought that I was capable of being sexually and romantically attracted to people other than cis/heterosexual men until I actually tried it! My outset fourth dimension being sexual with a non-male was at a play party where I specifically stated that I wanted to play with women. The organiser took me up on information technology and we fabricated out and got decorated in front of basically everyone. What an amazing first time. After that I had opportunities to have consensual, depression-pressure makeouts and sex with queer folx and women at other parties. Honestly, without that chance I'm not sure I would accept realised I was queer and it was okay that I didn't know for my whole life.

"My showtime romantic realisation of queerness was when I started dating my (hopefully) future spouse who is not-binary AFAB [assigned female at nascence]. We immediately brutal difficult for each other, and I had absolutely no incertitude that my feelings were valid and serious. Since then I've besides started dating a adult female (we're all polyamorous)." [via]

4."I was 17. I realised I had a beat out on a coworker when I was feeling disappointed when she told me about her husband and children. I really should have realised sooner considering when I was around 10, in that location was this presenter on TV whose cleavage I would always check out! Only I was sexually repressed until I was 18, so I guess that's why." [via]

5."I'chiliad even so non sure how or when I realised, but I was 26 before I actually accepted it. I'd kind of always liked girls/women just the way I felt about them vs how I felt virtually boys/men felt a little different, so I merely brushed it off." [via]

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual

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6. "When I was a teenager my best friend was at my business firm for a sleepover, and she told me, 'I have a crush on you'. My firsthand feeling was something like, 'Hey, I recall I'1000 into that.' Making out commenced, and that is how I figured out I was bisexual." [via]

7. "In retrospect, I've had crushes on girls as long as I can retrieve. But I always confused them for admiration or jealousy every bit a kid. I remember sometimes thinking randomly, 'I'm not a lesbian, I've had crushes on guys.' Didn't fifty-fifty consider bisexuality until I was 16, and I had a sexy dream nearly a girl. And I went, 'Holy shit', and things started to fall into place. I always used to call up that bisexuality was just a matter straight women pretended to exercise to exist subversive/sexy, or a stepping stone to coming out as lesbian, because that was the merely way I ever saw information technology portrayed. I didn't know any bisexuals who were out. So I but causeless it wasn't an selection for me." [via]

8. "It was certain a bumpy ride. I always had crushes on guys, though I e'er got too uncomfortable to fifty-fifty kiss a guy. So I tried kissing a random girl at a party, and figured out I liked women. I thought I was a lesbian for a couple of years, and didn't fifty-fifty consider guys during that time. And so I started getting crushes on guys again... So I had sex activity with a guy. Now I'g bisexual. Sexual orientation is very obvious to some people, but to others, not so much." [via]

9. "As a teenager, I ever found guys and girls attractive. I figured this was 'normal' for straight people. I never considered acting on whatever of my thoughts/feelings towards other girls. [When] I was in university, I hooked upwards with my housemate after a nighttime out. Neither of us had been with a woman before. After it left me with many confusing feelings. Unfortunately she had a boyfriend, and blamed me for her cheating on him. She wouldn't really talk to me about my feelings. It ruined our friendship.

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual

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"A few years later I tried dating another woman, but it didn't work. The sex activity was great, but romantically nosotros didn't piece of work. Over time, I've come to terms with the fact that I'yard a heteroromantic bisexual. Sexually, I'thou bisexual, and attracted to men and women. Still romantically I'g only attracted to men." [via]

x. "Through my teen years, I was but attracted to girls I knew in real life. Merely I was attracted to male person characters in fiction. And so that was kind of confusing, but I but rolled with information technology. I figured I simply hadn't met whatever boys IRL that I was attracted to. And given that I was only attracted to similar three girls out of the hundreds I knew, that didn't seem implausible. Honestly though, it helped to simply adopt an mental attitude of, 'Well I'thou attracted to whoever I'chiliad attracted to!' and not think too much about labels." [via]

"As a teenager, I e'er found guys and girls attractive"

11. "Okay, so in that location is this thing I approximate that'due south common knowledge that girls look at other girls and check them out, even if they're straight. And then, my friends would be like, 'Wow look at her boobs,' and I'd be like, 'Whoa I was just thinking that! I'm directly, and then, because they're straight, and they're thinking what I'm thinking.' Simply, I didn't notice growing up that they usually finished the sentence with, 'I wish I had boobs similar that!' Whereas I would mentally terminate the idea with, 'I wish she was sitting on my face.' [via]

12. "I always institute myself gazing more than at girls than boys. When I was former enough to discover porn and erotic art, I felt extremely aroused past the female images, but not the male ones. I'm bi, but I always found women a lot easier on the eyes, and have always had an easier time getting angry thinking about women." [via]

xiii. "I'g in a relationship with a homo, and have only dated men, merely I've kissed girls and been into it sexually. And sometimes I masturbate to women. But I enjoy kissing and fucking dudes too, and sometimes masturbate to dudes, so it seems like the logical conclusion." [via]

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual


14. "I still question information technology sometimes. I identify as bisexual, but sometimes I experience like I'm lying considering I haven't been with a adult female since I was a teen in loftier school. Just I find myself having crushes on women, and fantasising about women, so I all the same identify every bit bisexual when someone asks. Simply I think I simply knew." [via]

15. "But always been attracted to men and women. My upbringing from my mother was very insistent that I did non really similar women, so I learned very early to not talk about information technology. But it's never gone abroad. Since I'thou married to a homo, I get the typical backlash that I'm, 'not really bi' or 'will cheat some day'. Which of course is very irritating." [via]

"I still question information technology sometimes. I identify as bisexual, but sometimes I feel like I'm lying"

16. "I'm in my tardily 20s and just realised I'1000 also into women this yr. I looked back at high school and idea, 'Huh, I call up I acted and then crazy and jealous because I was in dear with her.' And also realised I had these really specific memories of when friends looked particularly beautiful. Hot damn, I've always been into women, how about that?" [via]

17. "In high school, any sexual practice/romantic dreams I had revolved effectually girls, and I was kind of fixated with boobs. I also never experienced intense allure to guys, so until I started dating my electric current (and only) beau I actually idea I might be gay. I practice wonder if I'm more demisexual, only I'k staying under the bi umbrella until/unless I detect differently for certain. For reference, I am at present mid twenties and in a committed relationship." [via]

18. "Watching Cate Blanchett in Ballad." [via]

19. "I merely had that 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling for girls the same way I did boys. Now information technology'southward merely girls, but some guys are withal fun to expect at in a, 'yep he'southward attractive with a groovy body' way. But emotionally, it'due south like watching paint dry." [via]

xx. "There are men that I'm turned on by, and women that I'yard turned on by. The first time I was attracted to a woman I wondered if I was a lesbian, even after multiple crushes on men. I rapidly realised how silly that was. I know what I like." [via]

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual

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21. "I'm bisexual, but for virtually of my life I didn't really think besides much most what my exact sexuality was. I didn't stress out about labelling myself, or officially coming out every bit anything. I just liked who I liked and dated who I dated and did what made me happy." [via]

22. "I had crushes on boys before. You desire to go his attending, hang out with him, discover excuses to get to know him and be noticed by him. If there was a cute boy in my grade and I got paired with him on a projection, I'd recall, 'Yesssss!!'. 1 twenty-four hours it was merely like that... but with a daughter. She and I dated for 4 years. My gustation in women is very, very specific. I accept been attracted to significantly less women than men. But for the most office, it feels just the aforementioned." [via]

23. "It's funny considering I tried to convince myself I wasn't attracted to women, and I was direct not bi throughout my entire high schoolhouse experience. I basically settled it past watching porn and realising I was undoubtedly really attracted to women. I am notwithstanding extremely choosy when it comes to women... I simply like a very specific type. Although I am picky with men also merely I don't think I could be romantically involved with a woman it would only be physical." [via]

bisexual stories from irl women on how they figured out they were bisexual

Johnny Greig Getty Images

24. "Through my teen years, I was only attracted to girls I knew in real life. But I was attracted to male characters in fiction. And then that was kind of confusing but I just rolled with it. I figured I simply hadn't met any boys IRL that I was attracted to. And given that I was just attracted to similar three girls out of the hundreds I knew, that didn't seem implausible. Honestly though it helped to just prefer an attitude of 'well I'thousand attracted to whoever I'thou attracted to!' and non recollect too much about labels." [via]

25. "Existence attracted to girls was incredibly natural for me. I had a best friend in secondary school (we were 12/13yrs) who would slumber over. We used to hug, snuggle, stoke and kiss. Nosotros never idea of information technology equally sexual activity I suppose, only beingness loving and doing what all-time friends do. Looking back, it e'er led to more than hugs. This went on for years before I realised that other girls were crushing on boys and didn't take the aforementioned intimate relationships with their girlfriends.

"I'm actually with a guy at present, and have been for viii years but I guess it'due south all downward to any gets you hot, wet and ready at the fourth dimension. I honey him to bits but I had to figure out if boys did information technology for me (similar to yous finding out if women do it for you?) and it was exciting, scary and pretty arousing. Just trust your instincts." [via]

26. "I was madly in dear with Amy Jo Johnson, the Pinkish Power Ranger, as a 10 twelvemonth old." [via]

27. "I've just known all of my life really. For every bit long as I've been attracted to people at all, I've been attracted to men and women. There wasn't one specific event that made me realize my sexuality it was but always at that place." [via]

28. "Interestingly, I thought I was gay at commencement. Spent two to 3 years of my life thinking I only liked girls, earlier i day a lite bulb just randomly lit up in my head and I was like, "look a minute..." [via]

29. "A friend pointed information technology out. I said I thought a girl was cute, she said, 'And so yous're gay?' I said 'No, boys are cute besides'. She said I must be bisexual. I thought nearly it and realised that'due south what it was." [via]

30. "I'thou bisexual, but for most of my life I didn't actually think too much about what my exact sexuality was. I didn't stress out nearly labeling myself or officially coming out as anything. I but liked who I liked and dated who I dated and did what fabricated me happy." [via]

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