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how to fix checkout problems in WooCommerce

1 of the biggest bug a WooCommerce shop owner can see is when the checkout fails. There are a lot of different types of bug that could happen during checkout, only these tin can be fixed easily if y'all can identify what is causing the problem. Even so, finding out the cause is non always piece of cake for the average user. In this mail, we volition teach you lot how to fix the common checkout problems in WooCommerce.

The information in this mail service may or may not help with the specific problem that you are experiencing with your checkout. You may have a similar problem simply the source could be different, hence the solutions mentioned hither may not work for everyone. Information technology is best to accept a developer adept in both WordPress and WooCommerce make the suggested fixes for y'all. We likewise recommend that you create a staging/evolution site and exercise your debugging at that place rather than on the live site.

Most Common WooCommerce Checkout Issues

Hither at Wooassist, a lot of new clients come to united states of america with problems on their checkout. Having issues on the checkout folio can be daunting as it can exist difficult to figure out the cause. The checkout page is crucial considering it is the last folio of the "user shopping experience". A simple fault that could be fixed in a few minutes tin can hurt your business if information technology is not addressed swiftly. You could end up losing business organisation opportunities and customers. To gear up the problem, we demand to figure out what the mistake is first.

Beneath are some common issues we meet that you could exist experiencing right now on your WooCommerce shop.

Checkout Page Isn't Available and is Merely Redirecting Back to an Empty Cart


While there are many reasons why checkout would redirect to an empty cart, information technology's unremarkably because your hosting is not totally compatible with WooCommerce.

The issue is most common with stores that enabled "force https on checkout". In this case, the event could be caused by a PHP security module called Suhosin. WooCommerce already has an official fix posted for this.

Simply paste the code below in your server's PHP settings.

suhosin.session.cryptdocroot = Off

Review Lodge Section is Stuck on Loading


When a customer enters their shipping/billing information, this triggers a script to reload the review guild information. When there is an error in the script, it will simply get stuck without an mistake shown that would've helped you understand what'southward happening.

This usually happens when the returned data is not what WooCommerce expects. This is caused past either a plugin or template conflict. To fix this, you will need to cheque compatibility with all plugins installed and update any outdated WooCommerce templates.

Payment Option is Not Working

Some popular payments options are PayPal, Stripe, and eWay. These are the services that yous've installed in your shop to handle the payment process between you and your customers. This is the page where users enter their credit card data and hit the "place guild" button.

Here are some scenarios where the payment option does not work:

Payment choice is not available on checkout

You are sure that you have completely configured your payment option but it'southward not showing up on the checkout page. This usually happens with stores that don't have an SSL certificate installed and the payment option requires one. Y'all can learn more virtually SSL in this post.

Authentication error pops upward

When an authentication error pops up, this ways at that place is something wrong between the connection of your store and your payment pick service provider. To fix this, bank check that the credentials you entered in the payment choice's settings are correct.

Unknown fault pops up


Unknown error popping upward could mean that a PHP script in WooCommerce isn't working properly. At that place are many things that could cause this. It may be due to a plugin disharmonize, or your hosting doesn't back up the custom AJAX endpoints utilized by WooCommerce. To gear up this you will need to check each plugin installed. Try disabling the plugins i at a time and see if that fixes your problem.

Nix happens after clicking "Place order" button

If nothing happens when you lot click the place order button, then nigh likely there is a JavaScript conflict in the checkout page. The all-time fashion to fix this is to check your browser's console to run across which scripts are in disharmonize. You'll want a developer to exercise this for y'all though.

Did whatever of these assist solve your checkout page problem? If y'all have any other problems with checkout on your WooCommerce store, you can striking the comments or contact us and we'll see what we can do for you.


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